Appeal to Artists Worldwide

Appeal to Industry, Trade
and Service Companies Worldwide

Status Report

Letter to the President of the Federal Republic of Germany
Mr. Johannes Rau

Article in UNESCO heute (German)

In January 2002, the official presentation of the Qafila-t-as-Salam will take place at - and in collaboration with - the Goethe Institut Berlin.

In addition, a presentation is intended at the Cultural Committee of the German Bundestag, in order to emphasize the Qafila-t-as-Salam's politico-cultural significance.

In September 2001, twelve experts, who have been voluntarily engaged in this project for two years, met for a three days conference in Bad Münstereifel. The seminar, supported by Minister President Wolfgang Clement and by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, lead to the elaboration of a feasibility study.